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7 - Input and Output

Input and output facilities are not part of the C language, so we have de-emphasized them in our presentation thus far. Nonetheless, real programs do interact with their environment in much more complicated ways than those we have shown before. In this chapter we will describe "the standard I/O library," a set of functions designed to provide a standard I/O system for C programs. The functions are intended to present a convenient programming interface, yet reflect only operations that can be provided on most modern operating systems. The routines are efficient enough that users should seldom feel the need to circumvent them "for efficiency" regardless of how critical the application. Finally, the routines are meant to be "portable," in the sense that they will exist in compatible form on any system where C exists, and that programs which confine their system interactions to facilities provided by the standard library can be moved from one system to another essentially without change.

We will not try to describe the entire I/O library here; we are more interested in showing the essentials of writing C programs that interact with their operating system environment.

7.1 - Access to the Standard Library

Each source file that refers to a standard library function must contain the line

#include <stdio.h>

near the beginning. The file stdio.h defines certain macros and variables used by the I/O library. Use of the angle brackets < and > instead of the usual double quotes directs the compiler to search for the file in a directory containing standard header information (on UNIX, typically /usr/include).

Furthermore, it may be necessary when loading the program to specify the library explicitly; for example, on the PDP-11 UNIX system, the command to compile a program would be

cc source files, etc. -lS

where -lS indicates loading from the standard library. (The character l is the letter ell.)

7.2 - Standard Input and Output - Getchar and Putchar

The simplest input mechanism is to read a character at a time from the "standard input," generally the user's terminal, with getchar. getchar() returns the next input character each time it is called. In most environments that support C, a file may be substituted for the terminal by using the < convention: if a program prog uses getchar, then the command line

prog <infile

causes prog to read infile instead of the terminal. The switching of the input is done in such a way that prog itself is oblivious to the change; in particular, the string <infile is not included in the command-line arguments in argv. The input switching is also invisible if the input comes from another program via a pipe mechanism; the command line

otherprog | prog

runs the two programs otherprog and prog, and arranges that the standard input for prog comes from the standard output of otherprog.

getchar returns the value EOF when it encounters end of file on whatever input is being read. The standard library defines the symbolic constant EOF to be -1 (with a #define in the file stdio.h), but tests should be written in terms of EOF, not -1, so as to be independent of the specific value.

For output, putchar(c) puts the character c on the "standard output", which is also by default the terminal. The output can be directed to a file by using >. If prog uses putchar

prog >outfile

will write the standard output onto outfile instead of the terminal. On the UNIX system, a pipe can also be used:

prog | anotherprog

puts the standard output of prog into the standard input of otherprog. Again, prog is not aware of the redirection.

Output produced by printf also finds its way to the standard output, and calls to putchar and printf may be interleaved.

A surprising number of programs read only one input stream and write only one output stream; for such programs I/O with getchar, putchar, and printf may be entirely adequate, and is certainly enough to get started. This is particularly true given file redirection and a pipe facility for connecting the output of one program to the input of the next. For example, consider the program lower, which maps its input to lower case:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

main() /* convert input to lower case */
int c;

while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
putchar(isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c);
Chuck note

Chuck notes that he just changed stdio.h from the 1978 book to ctype.h below (indicated it is easier than explaining).

The "functions" isupper and tolower are actually macros defined in ctype.h. The macro isupper tests whether its argument is an upper case letter, returning non-zero if it is, and zero if not. The macro tolower converts an upper case letter to lower case. Regardless of how these functions are implemented on a particular machine, their external behavior is the same, so programs that use them are shielded from knowledge of the character set.

To convert multiple files, you can use a program like the UNIX utility cat to collect the files:

cat file1 file2 ... | lower >output

and thus avoid learning how to access files from a program. (cat is presented later in this chapter.)

As an aside, in the standard I/O library the "functions" getchar and putchar can actually be macros, and thus avoid the overhead of a function call per character. We will show how this is done in Chapter 8.

7.3 - Formatted Output - Printf

The two routines printf for output and scanf for input (next section) permit translation to and from character representations of numerical quantities. They also allow generation or interpretation of formatted lines. We have used printf informally throughout the previous chapters; here is a more complete and precise description.

printf(control, arg1, arg2, ...)

printf converts, formats, and prints its arguments on the standard output under control of the string control. The control string contains two types of objects: ordinary characters, which are simply copied to the output stream, and conversion specifications, each of which causes conversion and printing of the next successive argument to printf.

Each conversion specification is introduced by the character % and ended by a conversion character. Between the % and the conversion character there may be:

  • A minus sign, which specifies left adjustment of the converted argument in its field.
  • A digit string specifying a minimum field width. The converted number will be printed in a field at least this wide, and wider if necessary. If the converted argument has fewer characters than the field width it will be padded on the left (or right, if the left adjustment indicator has been given) to make up the field width. The padding character is blank normally and zero if the field width was specified with a leading zero (this zero does not imply an octal field width).
  • A period, which separates the field width from the next digit string.
  • A digit string (the precision), which specifies the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string, or the number of digits to be printed to the right of the decimal point of a float or double.
  • A length modifier l (letter ell), which indicates that the corresponding data item is a long rather than an int.

The conversion characters and their meanings are:

  • d The argument is converted to decimal notation.
  • o The argument is converted to unsigned octal notation (without a leading zero).
  • x The argument is converted to unsigned hexadecimal notation (without a leading 0x).
  • u The argument is converted to unsigned decimal notation.
  • c The argument is taken to be a single character.
  • s The argument is a string; characters from the string are printed until a null character is reached or until the number of characters indicated by the precision specification is exhausted.
  • e The argument is taken to be a float or double and converted to decimal notation of the form [-] m.nnnnnnE[±]xx where the length of the string of n's is specified by the precision. The default precision is 6.
  • f The argument is taken to be a float or double and converted to decimal notation of the form [-] mmm.nnnnn where the length of the string of n's is specified by the precision. The default precision is 6. Note that the precision does not determine the number of significant digits printed in f format.
  • g Use %e or %f, whichever is shorter; non-significant zeros are not printed.

If the character after the % is not a conversion character, that character is printed; thus % may be printed by %%.

Most of the format conversions are obvious, and have been illustrated in earlier chapters. One exception is precision as it relates to strings. The following table shows the effect of a variety of specifications in printing "hello, world" (12 characters). We have put colons around each field so you can see its extent.

:%10s:       :hello, world:
:%-10s: :hello, world:
:%20s: : hello, world:
:%-20s: :hello, world :
:%20.10s: : hello, wor:
:%-20.10s: :hello, wor :
:%.10s: :hello, wor:

A warning: printf uses its first argument to decide how many arguments follow and what their types are. It will get confused, and you will get nonsense answers, if there are not enough arguments or if they are the wrong type.

Exercise 7-1. Write a program which will print arbitrary input in a sensible way. As a minimum, it should print non-graphic characters in octal or hex (according to local custom), and fold long lines.


Formatted output is difficult. The design of C printf was inspired by the earlier FORMAT statement in FORTRAN and ALGOL. In order to compete with these languages, C needed to ship with solid support for formatted output.

The approach chosen by C percolated into C-like languages. PHP and Java simply have a function called printf() that supported most of the C formats.

Python has evolved its approach to formatted output over the years. An early solution had a syntax that used % to provide C-like formatting. There was also a format() method on the string object:

x = 421.34
print("x is %7.2f" % (x,))
print("x is {y:7.2f}".format(y=x))

The latest (and least clunky) way to do this in Python is "F-strings":

print(f"x is {x:7.2f}")

But even after all this evolution much of this output formatting traces its design inspiration from C's printf() capabilities.

7.4 - Formatted Input - Scanf

The function scanf is the input analog of printf, providing many of the same conversion facilities in the opposite direction.

scanf(control, arg1, arg2, ...)

scanf reads characters from the standard input, interprets them according to the format specified in control, and stores the results in the remaining arguments. The control argument is described below; the other arguments, each of which must be a pointer, indicate where the corresponding converted input should be stored.

The control string usually contains conversion specifications, which are used to direct interpretation of input sequences. The control string may contain:

  • Blanks, tabs or newlines ("white space characters"), which are ignored.
  • Ordinary characters (not %) which are expected to match the next nonwhite space character of the input stream.
  • Conversion specifications, consisting of the character %, an optional assignment suppression character *, an optional number specifying a maximum field width, and a conversion character.

A conversion specification directs the conversion of the next input field. Normally the result is placed in the variable pointed to by the corresponding argument. If assignment suppression is indicated by the * character, however, the input field is simply skipped; no assignment is made. An input field is defined as a string of non-white space characters; it extends either to the next white space character or until the field width, if specified, is exhausted. This implies that scanf will read across line boundaries to find its input, since newlines are white space.

The conversion character indicates the interpretation of the input field; the corresponding argument must be a pointer, as required by the call by value semantics of C. The following conversion characters are legal:

  • d a decimal integer is expected in the input; the corresponding argument should be an integer pointer.
  • o an octal integer (with or without a leading zero) is expected in the input; the corresponding argument should be a integer pointer.
  • x a hexadecimal integer (with or without a leading 0x) is expected in the input; the corresponding argument should be an integer pointer.
  • h a short integer is expected in the input; the corresponding argument should be a pointer to a short integer.
  • c a single character is expected; the corresponding argument should be a character pointer; the next input character is placed at the indicated spot. The normal skip over white space characters is suppressed in this case; to read the next non-white space character, use %1s.
  • s a character string is expected; the corresponding argument should be a character pointer pointing to an array of characters large enough to accept the string and a terminating '\0' which will be added.
  • f a floating point number is expected; the corresponding argument should be a pointer to a float. The conversion character e is a synonym for f. The input format for float's is an optional sign, a string of numbers possibly containing a decimal point, and an optional exponent field containing an E or e followed by a possibly signed integer.

The conversion characters d, o and x may be preceded by l (letter ell) to indicate that a pointer to long rather than int appears in the argument list. Similarly, the conversion characters e or f may be preceded by l (letter ell) to indicate that a pointer to double rather than float is in the argument list.

For example, the call

int i;
float x;
char name[50];
scanf("%d %f %s", &i, &x, name);

with the input line

25 54.32E-1 Thompson

will assign the value 25 to i, the value 5.432 to x, and the string "Thompson", properly terminated by \0, to name. The three input fields may be separated by as many blanks, tabs and newlines as desired. The call

int i;
float x;
char name[50];
scanf("%2d %f %*d %2s", &i, &x, name);

with input

56789 0123 45a72

will assign 56 to i, assign 789.0 to x, skip over 0123, and place the string "45" in name. The next call to any input routine will begin searching at the letter a. In these two examples, name is a pointer and thus must not be preceded by a &.

As another example, the rudimentary calculator of Chapter 4 can now be written with scanf to do the input conversion:

#include <stdio.h>

main() /* rudimentary desk calculator */
double sum, v;

sum = 0;
while (scanf("%lf", &v) != EOF)
printf("\t%.2f\n", sum += v);

scanf stops when it exhausts its control string, or when some input fails to match the control specification. It returns as its value the number of successfully matched and assigned input items. This can be used to decide how many input items were found. On end of file, EOF is returned; note that this is different from 0, which means that the next input character does not match the first specification in the control string. The next call to scanf resumes searching immediately after the last character already returned.

A final warning: the arguments to scanf must be pointers. By far the most common error is writing

scanf("%d", n);

instead of

scanf("%d", &n);

7.5 - In-memory Format Conversion

The functions scanf and printf have siblings called sscanf and sprintf which perform the corresponding conversions, but operate on a string instead of a file. The general format is

sprintf(string, control, arg1, arg2, ...)
sscanf(string, control, arg1, arg2, ...)

sprintf formats the arguments in arg1 , arg2, etc., according to control as before, but places the result in string instead of on the standard output. Of course string had better be big enough to receive the result. As an example, if name is a character array and n is an integer, then

sprintf(name, "temp%d", n);

creates a string of the form "tempnnn" in name, where "nnn" is the value of n.

sscanf does the reverse conversions - it scans the string according to the format in control, and places the resulting values in arg1, arg2, etc. These arguments must be pointers. The call

sscanf(name, "temp%d", &n);

sets n to the value of the string of digits following temp in name.

Exercise 7-2. Rewrite the desk calculator of Chapter 4 using scanf and/or sscanf to do the input and number conversion.

7.6 - File Access


The next two sections do a nice job of covering file input and the notion of the "standard error" with simple sample code. But the authors are also making a subtle point about UNIX and how the design of C makes it easy to build UNIX utilities.

By the end of section 7.6, we see a 29 line program that is a pretty much complete implementation of the core functionality of the UNIX cat command. Part of the philosophy of UNIX was to build commands that are each simple building blocks that can be composed using standard input and output redirection as well as pipes.

These next two sections are a gentle celebration of the design principles that underly the UNIX operating system. Also, while we are talking about the linkage between C and UNIX, there is a UNIX-related Easter Egg earlier in this chapter. See if you can find it. Bonus points if you already noticed it. :)

The programs written so far have all read the standard input and written the standard output, which we have assumed are magically pre-defined for a program by the local operating system.

The next step in I/O is to write a program that accesses a file which is not already connected to the program. One program that clearly illustrates the need for such operations is cat, which concatenates a set of named files onto the standard output. cat is used for printing files on the terminal, and as a general-purpose input collector for programs which do not have the capability of accessing files by name. For example, the command

cat x.c y.c

prints the contents of the files x.c and y.c on the standard output.

The question is how to arrange for the named files to be read - that is, how to connect the external names that a user thinks of to the statements which actually read the data.

The rules are simple. Before it can be read or written a file has to be opened by the standard library function fopen. fopen takes an external name (like x.c or y.c), does some housekeeping and negotiation with the operating system (details of which needn't concern us), and returns an internal name which must be used in subsequent reads or write of the file.

This internal name is actually a pointer, called a file pointer, to a structure which contains information about the file, such as the location of a buffer, the current character position in the buffer, whether the file is being read or written, and the like. Users don't need to know the details, because part of the standard I/O definitions obtained from stdio.h is a structure definition called FILE. The only declaration needed for a file pointer is exemplified by

FILE *fopen(), *fp;

This says that fp is a pointer to a FILE, and fopen returns a pointer to a FILE. Notice that FILE is a type name, like int, not a structure tag; it is implemented as a typedef. (Details of how this all works on the UNIX system are given in Chapter 8.)

The actual call to fopen in a program is

fp = fopen(name, mode);

The first argument of fopen is the name of the file, as a character string. The second argument is the mode, also as a character string, which indicates how one intends to use the file. Allowable modes are read ("r"), write ("w"), or append ("a").

If you open a file which does not exist for writing or appending, it is created (if possible). Opening an existing file for writing causes the old contents to be discarded. Trying to read a file that does not exist is an error, and there may be other causes of error as well (like trying to read a file when you don't have permission). If there is any error, fopen will return the null pointer value NULL (which for convenience is also defined in stdio.h).

The next thing needed is a way to read or write the file once it is open. There are several possibilities, of which getc and putc are the simplest. getc returns the next character from a file; it needs the file pointer to tell it what file. Thus

c = getc(fp)

places in c the next character from the file referred to by fp, and EOF when it reaches end of file.

putc is the inverse of getc:

putc(c, fp)

puts the character c on the file fp and returns c. Like getchar and putchar, getc and putc may be macros instead of functions.

When a program is started, three files are opened automatically, and file pointers are provided for them. These files are the standard input, the standard output, and the standard error output; the corresponding file pointers are called stdin, stdout, and stderr. Normally these are all connected to the terminal, but stdin and stdout may be redirected to files or pipes as described in section 7.2.

getchar and putchar can be defined in terms of getc, putc, stdin and stdout as follows:

#define getchar()  getc(stdin)
#define putchar(c) putc(c, stdout)

For formatted input or output of files, the functions fscanf and fprintf may be used. These are identical to scanf and printf, save that the first argument is a file pointer that specifies the file to be read or written; the control string is the second argument.

With these preliminaries out of the way, we are now in a position to write the program cat to concatenate files. The basic design is one that has been found convenient for many programs: if there are command-line arguments, they are processed in order. If there are no arguments, the standard input is processed. This way the program can be used stand-alone or as part of a larger process.

#include <stdio.h>

main(argc, argv) /* cat: concatenate files */
int argc;
char *argv[];
FILE *fp, *fopen();

if (argc == 1) /* no args; copy standard input */
while (--argc > 0)
if ((fp = fopen(*++argv, "r")) == NULL) {
printf("cat: can't open %s\n", *argv);
} else {

file_copy(fp) /* copy file fp to standard output */
FILE *fp;
int c;

while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
putc(c, stdout);

The file pointers stdin and stdout are pre-defined in the I/O library as the standard input and standard output; they may be used anywhere an object of type FILE * can be. They are constants, however, not variables, so don't try to assign to them.

The function fclose is the inverse of fopen; it breaks the connection between the file pointer and the external name that was established by fopen, freeing the file pointer for another file. Since most operating systems have some limit on the number of simultaneously open files that a program may have, it's a good idea to free things when they are no longer needed, as we did in cat. There is also another reason for fclose on an output file - it flushes the buffer in which putc is collecting output. (fclose is called automatically for each open file when a program terminates normally.)

7.7 - Error Handling - Stderr and Exit

The treatment of errors in cat is not ideal. The trouble is that if one of the files can't be accessed for some reason, the diagnostic is printed at the end of the concatenated output. That is acceptable if that output is going to a terminal, but bad if it's going into a file or into another program via a pipeline.

To handle this situation better, a second output file, called stderr, is assigned to a program in the same way that stdin and stdout are. If at all possible, output written on stderr appears on the user's terminal even if the standard output is redirected.

Let us revise cat to write its error messages on the standard error file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

main(argc, argv) /* cat: concatenate files */
int argc;
char *argv[];
FILE *fp, *fopen();

if (argc == 1) /* no args; copy standard input */
while (--argc > 0)
if ((fp = fopen(*++argv, "r")) == NULL) {
"cat: can't open %s\n", *argv);
} else {

The program signals errors two ways. The diagnostic output produced by fprintf goes onto stderr, so it finds its way to the user's terminal instead of disappearing down a pipeline or into an output file.

The program also uses the standard library function exit, which terminates program execution when it is called. The argument of exit is available to whatever process called this one, so the success or failure of the program can be tested by another program that uses this one as a subprocess. By convention, a return value of 0 signals that all is well, and various non-zero values signal abnormal situations.

exit calls fclose for each open output file, to flush out any buffered output, then calls a routine named _exit. The function _exit causes immediate termination without any buffer flushing; of course it may be called directly if desired.

7.8 - Line Input and Output

The standard library provides a routine fgets which is quite similar to the getline function that we have used throughout the book. The call

fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp)

reads the next input line (including the newline) from file fp into the character array line; at most MAXLINE-1 characters will be read. The resulting line is terminated with \0. Normally fgets returns line; on end of file it returns NULL. (Our getline returns the line length, and zero for end of file.)

For output, the function fputs writes a string (which need not contain a newline) to a file:

fputs(line, fp)

To show that there is nothing magic about functions like fgets and fputs, here they are, copied directly from the standard I/O library:

#include <stdio.h>

char *f_gets(s, n, iop) /* get at most n chars from iop */
char *s;
int n;
register FILE *iop;
register int c;
register char *cs;

cs = s;

while (--n > 0 && (c = getc(iop)) != EOF)
if ((*cs++ = c) == '\n')
*cs = '\0';
return((c == EOF && cs == s) ? NULL : s);

f_puts(s, iop) /* put string s on file iop */
register char *s;
register FILE *iop;
register int c;

while (c = *s++)
putc(c, iop);

Exercise 7-3. Write a program to compare two files, printing the first line and character position where they differ.

Exercise 7-4. Modify the pattern finding program of Chapter 5 to take its input from a set of named files or, if no files are named as arguments, from the standard input. Should the file name be printed when a matching line is found?

Exercise 7-5. Write a program to print a set of files, starting each new one on a new page, with a title and a running page count for each file.

7.9 - Some Miscellaneous Functions

The standard library provides a variety of functions, a few of which stand out as especially useful. We have already mentioned the string functions strlen, strcpy, strcat and strcmp. Here are some others.

Character Class Testing and Conversion

Several macros perform character tests and conversions:

functionreturn value
isalpha(c)non-zero if c is alphabetic, 0 if not.
isupper(c)non-zero if c is upper case, 0 if not.
islower(c)non-zero if c is lower case, 0 if not.
isdigit(c)non-zero if c is digit, 0 if not.
isspace(c)non-zero if c is blank, tab or newline, 0 if not.
toupper(c)convert c to upper case.
tolower(c)convert c to lower case.


The standard library provides a rather restricted version of the function ungetch which we wrote in Chapter 4; it is called ungetc.

ungetc(c, fp)

pushes the character c back onto file fp. Only one character of pushback is allowed per file. ungetc may be used with any of the input functions and macros like scanf, getc, or getchar.

System Call

The function system(s) executes the command contained in the character string s, then resumes execution of the current program. The contents of s depend strongly on the local operating system. As a trivial example, on UNIX, the line


causes the program date to be run; it prints the date and time of day.

Storage Management

The function calloc is rather like the alloc we have used in previous chapters.

calloc(n, sizeof(object))

returns a pointer to enough space for n objects of the specified size, or NULL if the request cannot be satisfied. The storage is initialized to zero. The pointer has the proper alignment for the object in question, but it should be cast into the appropriate type, as in

char *calloc();
int *ip;

ip = (int *) calloc(n, sizeof(int));

cfree(p) frees the space pointed to by p, where p is originally obtained by a call to calloc. There are no restrictions on the order in which space is freed, but it is a ghastly error to free something not obtained by calling calloc.

Chapter 8 shows the implementation of a storage allocator like calloc, in which allocated blocks may be freed in any order.