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Official errata

See the live list for more recent additions. Below is a listing of all current errata notes:

  • Page 24, exercise 1-10: minor clarification that the array indices goes from 1 to n.
  • (*) Page 71, formula on line 10: the lower index of the second summation i=ii=i should be i=0i=0.
  • (*) Page 85, line -5: log n should be lg n
  • Page 97, line -4: "where we representing" should be "where we represent".
  • Page 99, line 6: "The needs of biologist" should be "The needs of biologists"
  • Page 125, line 17: "cheapest fair" should be "cheapest fare"
  • (*) Page 158, LeftMidMaxRange pseudocode: the last line should be "return M" instead of "return S"
  • (*) Page 164, line 3: "identify all locations in P" should be "identify all locations in S".
  • Page 194, question 6-5: "[easy]" should be [3].
  • (*) Page 214 Figure 7.9 right: The edge in the BFS between 4 and 5 has the wrong direction: it should point from 5 to 4.
  • Page 223, line -15: The (!processed[y]) test is necessary for DFS on directed graphs but not undirected graphs, which perhaps should be clarified in the text.
  • (*) Page 235, line 2: "cannot reach" should be "cannot be reached from"
  • (*) Page 319, Figure 10.5: The colors blue and green are reversed. Green should denote insertion and blue deletion.
  • (*) Page 320, Figure 10.6: Same as above. The colors blue and green are reversed. Green should denote insertion and blue deletion.
  • (*) Page 321, row_init and column_init code: Both routines should have a second argument cell array m. The code is currently correct, because m is a global variable, but it would be better to pass it as an argument.
  • (*) Page 323, goal_cell code: This routine should have a last argument cell array m. This necessitates adding the argument to goal_cell on page 321 and in the call to goal_cell on page 318.
  • (*) Page 345, Problem 10-3: There are five solutions, not four. The missing solution is (3,1,0).
  • (*) Page 404, line -7 (last line of hill_climbing routine): "while (stuck)" should be "while (!stuck)"
  • (*) Page 475, output graphic on top right: There is a sign error on the first
  • element on the third row. The formula is: aei + bfg + cdh - ceg - bdi - afh
  • () Page 516, line -4: (2+epsilon) should be (2+epsilon)n
  • Page 594, output graphic on top right: There is reason to believe that this is not the optimal TSP tour for these points.
  • Page 657. The link to Powecrust is , not web.cs... The same typo is repeated on page 663.
  • Page 704: The JFLAP web link should be "" instead of "". Alternatively, you could also drop the "www." prefix in either protocol.
  • Index: Page 793, War Story entry: At least one is missing - Section 4.4 on page 125, Give me a ticket on an airplane.

Non-official errata (personally observed)

  • Page 6, Figure 1.3: The coloring in the top image should be reversed; that is, the current ordering is

    V -> I -> B -> G -> Y -> O -> R

    But, in proper rainbow sequence, the ordering should be

    R -> O -> Y -> G -> B -> I -> V